10.7.22 Family Update

Hey AIM Family-

Message from the main office:

  • Students are responsible for bringing their Chromebooks and chargers daily to school. Our I.T. manager is experiencing high levels of lost computer reports, as well as damages. Please remember that families will incur charges for replacements and repairs.  I.T. will finish off assigning Chromebooks to all students this week.
  • Students are considered late as of 8:00AM if they are not in their seat in class. The arrival door will stay open until 8:10AM. Please allow ample time to get through bag check in and to make it into class on time.
  • During student bag check, body sprays/fragrances will be confiscated. Due to various student and staff respiratory issues we cannot have these aromas being released in the air. Grooming is not being kept in the restrooms so these items are not allowed on campus. We appreciate your help in keeping everyone safe and healthy.
  • Students arriving after 10AM will need to be escorted and signed in by a parent or guardian.

  • The phone number to the Greenwood Campus, where the 7th, 8th, and 9th graders are housed, is 773-516-8361. The phone number to the East End campus, where the 10th an 11th graders attend school, is 773-820-9426.

  • Families were emailed their Summit Learning and PowerSchool login information so that your student(s) progress and attendance can be viewed.
  • Remember to check your student’s garments as the dress code has and will always be in full effect. When in doubt, go another route
  • Cell phones and all mobile devices shall be turned off and placed in the student’s locker or backpack for the entirety of the school day. If a student needs to make an emergency call during the day, teachers will send students to the main office with a pass to call home.