Diego Nuñez, CICS West Belden Community School Coordinator

Did you see us on ABC 7 this week?

Diego Nuñez, Community School Coordinator and Colleen Collins, Principal of CICS West Belden were interviewed this week by ABC 7 news in Chicago! They shared more about what our goals are for this school year, and how one goal is to provide additional support for students and families outside of the traditional school day.

What is a Community Hub? A community hub is a public space that brings several community agencies and neighborhood groups together to offer a range of activities, programs and services.

This year, Distinctive Schools is focusing on schools as community hubs, to  give students and families access to the academic, health care and social services that they need to thrive. Through intentional partnerships we will create a web of essential and connected services and weave the unique fabric that makes each school community strong. 

Stay tuned as we share more about this initiative, and provide additional opportunities throughout the year to connect with our unique communities!