The Future of AIM - Sept. 22 Newsletter

Read our full newsletter here!

Greetings, Art In Motion family!

Wow, has this year been flying! It seems like just yesterday that we were ending the 21-22 school year and now, we are midway through the first quarter, and we have experienced a wonderful event: our CommUNITY Day 2022 hosted by our Friend and Founding Partner, Academy Award and Grammy-winning artist, actor and activist COMMON and our new partners at Orgain! This amazing day reminded me of the beauty and power of the Art In Motion Community from her genesis and of the energy and pulse that has always been meant to flow at AIM. We are an amazing, resilient community and we. love. hard. Founded on Community, that Love, Creativity and Excellence, there is so much in store as we build and grow together. We will not be stopped! 

To further our collective vision, I am hard at work supporting arts integration through our REACH Grant because The Arts is a developing, multi-layered entity for our AIM community: arts integration in our Core Academic classes, arts as stand alone classes and arts as enriching, after school opportunities. Through this work, watch the impact of our Core Academic classes deepen in powerful ways that only The Arts can bring! In this 2nd implementation year of our grant, we have a team of six powerful, brave teachers, four of whom will be working with Chicago-based Resident Teaching Artists over the next two weeks on arts integrated projects! Art is TRULY In Motion at AIM; stay tuned for more and more ways to engage and see our young artists in action!

–Kara May, Director of Partnerships & Creative Development


We’re making fantastic progress in our expansion project! Windows, skylights, framing, and walls are going up daily, and the building is on track for second semester occupancy. We are excited to be under one (incredible!) roof together soon, and look forward to a major celebration with the opening of our expanded space! We will continue to provide updates, and share photos and videos.

A Message from AIM Principal, Mr. Steele

Mr. Steele

We recognize that some members of our community have either not received communications or received communication from AIM in a delayed fashion. Because of this we have updated and upgraded our communication systems.  Moving forward, you will be notified via email, and/or text message at least two weeks in advance of all major events taking place at AIM. If for any reason your contact information changes please notify the office ASAP. 

Thank You,

Dion Steele, Principal of Art in Motion

Enrollment for 2023-2024 – Now Open!

9th Grade Applications are Open! | The GoCPS application for the 23-24 school year is now open for students entering 9th grade in Fall 2023! Do you know a student entering 9th grade who may want to join the Art In Motion family for high school? Encourage them to rank AIM #1 on their GOCPS application before December 2. (Current AIM students do not need to take part in the GOCPS process.)

Attendance Matters | Did you know that being absent from school just once per week will set a student back and delay learning and growth? It is important for students to be at school on time and every day. Learning depends on it! Read more about the importance of school attendance here.