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Joseph Nash
6th Grade English Language Arts Teacher
Longwood Elementary School
Eddie Niles
School Monitor
Longwood Elementary School
James Norris
Longwood Elementary School
Magdalena Nowak
8th Grade Social Science Teacher
Longwood Elementary School
Elkanah Onyeali
Special Education Teacher
Longwood Elementary School
Julieta Perez
3rd-8th Grade School Social Worker
Longwood Elementary School
Kiana Phillips
8th Grade Social Emotional Learning Teacher
Longwood Elementary School
Daniel Plata
Longwood Elementary School
Thenese Polk
Longwood Elementary School
Deborah Price
Lead Custodian
Longwood Elementary School
Francisco Pulido
Longwood Elementary School
Necol Raymond
6th Grade Social Emotional Learning Teacher
Longwood Elementary School
Melvin Riggs
3rd-8th Grade Lead MTSS Interventionist
Longwood Elementary School
Laconda Robinson
Longwood Elementary School
Carethia Rocquemore
School Nurse
Longwood Elementary School
Jahbril Scott
Longwood Elementary School
Anna Scrutchions
3rd-8th Grade Resident Teacher
Longwood Elementary School
Lakeeya Smith
3rd-8th Grade Art Enrichment Teacher
Longwood Elementary School
Tracey Smith
School Monitor
Longwood Elementary School
Victoria Smith
Speech Language Pathologist
Longwood Elementary School