DCP-Redford Family Update 11/2/22 *REPORT CARD CONFERENCES NEXT WEEK!*

Greetings DCP-Redford Families!

We are so excited to welcome you into the building and our classrooms next week for Q1 Report Card Conferences! Report cards will be given out during conferences, so please do your best to attend. If you have not confirmed an appointment with your child's teacher, send them an email, DOJO message, or give them a call. Please see below for the schedule:

11/ 8 Tuesday 7:45-12:00 (No school for students- building closes at 12:30 pm)
11/9 Wednesday 1:30-4:00 (1:00 early dismissal)


  • Don't forget to always check out our website and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for the latest news and pictures of all the great things happening at DCP-Redford!
  • Tis the season of illnesses and germs! Please be sure to keep your child home if they are feeling under the weather and a mask is highly suggested. All classes and students will continue to have outdoor recess until the weather drops much lower. We do not have staff available to supervise your child if you suggest they stay indoors because they are sick. Students should remain home if they are sick. Thank you for your understanding!

Thanks and have a great weekend!! See you next week!